Ready for Healthy, Pink, Bacteria-Free Gums?

Most people are not aware that going to the dentist on a regular basis can actually help you stay ahead of non-dental health issues. With conventional periodontal therapy, we can assist in lowering the risks of contracting illnesses. All of this can be accomplished through a comprehensive examination of your teeth and gums!

For instance, we can help detect conditions such as diabetes as well as diseases beyond the mouth. We are even able to spot osteoporosis in patients. This can be highly valuable to a great many people, as most do not realize they have these conditions. At Westbury Dental Spa, you can learn more about this highly beneficial therapy that we offer, the signs that you might need it, and how it can improve both your dental and overall well-being.

Learn More About Conventional Periodontal Therapy

Periodontal disease, commonly known as gum disease, is caused by bacteria infecting your teeth and the tissues surrounding the teeth, ultimately resulting in tooth loss as well as other health issues. Conventional periodontal treatment consists of mechanical scaling, root planing, and surgical treatment to prevent and treat gum disease. Eventually, it contributes to the restoration of good gum health, which prevents tooth loss.

To begin, we would perform a thorough oral evaluation to diagnose any gum infections present. A periodontic probe allows us to see whether there is any erosion of gum adhesion. If there is, this instrument allows us to measure the amount or extent of the gum loss. We can also let you see the interior of your mouth using an intraoral camera. This allows you to observe the condition of your gums and teeth yourself and lets us highlight the areas that need treatment.

Signs You Need Conventional Periodontal Therapy

Conventional periodontal therapy is frequently used as the initial course of treatment for mild periodontal disease. This is the phase where a patient has one or more teeth with 3 millimeters of gum detachment. Roughly 9 percent of patients with periodontal disease are in this phase.

Periodontal therapy is also useful for those with longstanding moderate periodontal disease. This is the most prevalent stage of periodontal disease among adults in the country. Periodontal therapy gives patients a nonsurgical alternative for their gum disease treatment.

Gingivitis can also be treated by periodontal therapy. Gingivitis differs from periodontal in that it’s merely inflamed gums. But persistent, untreated gingivitis will lead to periodontal disease.

Benefits of Conventional Periodontal Therapy

Timely periodontal treatment can help your teeth and gums to recover strongly. In the long term, this will allow you to securely preserve your pearly whites, while also keeping your jawbone firm and healthy. Additionally, preventive periodontal therapy can prevent chronic inflammation. As a result, your chances of acquiring various other more significant health conditions are reduced.

Get A Beautiful, Healthy Smile at Westbury Dental Spa

Want healthy, pink, and bacteria-free gums? Our dental team at Westbury Dental Spa is here to help! Because your health is our highest priority, we offer a free initial consult as well as a comprehensive yet affordable treatment plan that’s customized just for you.

Have questions? Email us at or call us at (516) 282-5100 now.

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